How do I justify this on a Chicago blog? It's simple: Homeless people will not shit in my stairwell if I lived in the burbs. Sure it stunk to high heaven for the next couple of days I had to get my bike, and the flies circled around like, well, flies on shit. But, that's a little treat you don't get in the burbs: Authentic, urban, homeless, poop.
Today, I saw three of my hot neighbors in their kitchen as I was going upstairs, and one threw me the extended smile, like the, "Maybe you should come in and talk to us, dumb-ass" look. I had nothing worth opening the glass door to tell them, except, "Hey, I hosed down the poop in the stairwell. Don't all of you thank me at once."
I opted to just smile back, and go upstairs. When I have an opening that's not poop-related, I'll give it a go.
Maybe we should take a trip to the burbs and take a dumb around some houses so they can feel the pains of the big city!
HAHHAHHAHHA! Great call, Niner. I'm in!!!
Are you fucking serious??? That is so disgusting! I can't believe those girls didn't jump you right then and there...shit I would...cleaning that up would make you my hero!
Jenny: I wish they saw it that way. Cleaning up poop doesn't get you laid these days quite like it used to.
Does Whitney really say "dropped it on the deuce"? Wow. I have new respect for her.
Cherry: Drop it on the deuce!!! That's so much fun to say. Is that show on DVD yet? I smell a Liars Club Meeting/Whitney and Bobby Marathon.
I am still laughing
Fitness: I was just reading over my old posts, because I'm a nacisist, and saw your comment. Thanks for coming by, and I'll be by your site shortly.
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