Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I am going focus my individual posts on the Liar's Club about Chicago... loves and loathes. I'll keep my 50f9er blog more about my crazy brain and what it is thinking about (trying to process). And although I love Chicago very much, my first post is not about something I love about this city...

I have lived in Chicago for about two and a half years now, and the one thing I cannot get use to is that Chicago drivers don't really pay attention to crosswalks, or people using them. Having lived in Portland, OR where everyone seems to stop for pedestrians, whether there is a crosswalk or not (maybe it's all the pot they are smokin' in the Northwest), Chicago is very different. I think more drivers in NYC stopped for me while crossing a street than drivers in Chicago. And I really do not understand why.

Chicagoans on the whole are pretty nice people... must be that Midwest values thing. But when they get behind the wheel they think it's Death Race 2000. On my walk to work each day I cross the street many times (no, not the same stree). All of the places I cross the street have a crosswalk, although many do not have a stop sign or a stop light. I don't just dart out into oncoming traffic, but it when I do cross it sure seems like people speed up... because they certainly do not slow down.

Slow down Chicagoans... because if you hit me, I'll be dead and cannot give such joy to my dear readers through the Liar's Club.


The [Cherry] Ride said...

Yeah but people need to learn to cross at crosswalks. Otherwise, you're SOL as far as I'm concerned.

K.I.D. said...

I can definitely relate to this. I've been SO close to being hit so many times. I was even crossing correctly (something we NYers don't do particularly well). I think the problem is the fact that people feel the need to make their left turns even though the light is red. Chicagoans love to run the red lights...

classyandfancy said...

Choice Death Race reference. That movie is completely awfully great!